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m (ircII style tabbing for tinyfugue)
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Revision as of 05:25, 14 May 2008

Bug reports, suggestions and/or diffs are appreciated, sulfar _AT_ inbox +DOT+ com

;;;=== ircII style tabbing for tinyfugue  === 
;; 1> You give or get a tell.
;; 2> Name of person is stored in a list.
;; 3> When you hit tab, "tell <person>" will appear on the input line.
;;    Where <person> is the last person you added.
;; 4> If you hit tab again, the name of the person prior to the last
;;    is used. Etcetc. If last name is reached, next tab will cycle thru.
;; 5> ESC-Tab will remove the name currently on the input line from the list,
;;    and clear the input line.
;; 6> Try it... it rocks :-)

/require lisp.tf

/set tabbing_name_list=
/set tabbing_name_index=0

/def -i tabbing_get_name = \
    /if (tabbing_name_index > 1) \
        /nth $[tabbing_name_index] %tabbing_name_list %;\
        /set tabbing_name_index=$[tabbing_name_index-1] %;\
    /else \
        /nth $[tabbing_name_index] %tabbing_name_list %;\
        /set tabbing_name_index=$(/length %tabbing_name_list) %;\

/def -i tabbing_add_name = \
    /if (tabbing_name_index = 0) \
        /set tabbing_name_list=%{1} %;\
        /set tabbing_name_index=1 %;\
    /else \
        /set tabbing_name_list=$(/remove %{1} %tabbing_name_list) %;\
        /set tabbing_name_list=%tabbing_name_list %{1} %;\
        /set tabbing_name_index=$(/length %tabbing_name_list) %;\

;Bind to TAB key:
;/def -i -b'^I' keyForwardName  = \
/def -i key_tab = \
    /if (tabbing_name_index > 0) \
        /grab tell $(/tabbing_get_name) %;\
        /test input (" ") %;\
    /else \
        /echo %%% No names in list! %;\

;ESC - TAB will remove the name displayed on the input line and clear the line:
;/def -ib'^[^I' removeCurrentName = \
/def -i key_esc_tab = \
    /test kbgoto(kbwordleft()) %;\
    /set name=$[kbtail()] %;\
    /set tabbing_name_list=$(/remove %{name} %tabbing_name_list) %;\
    /set tabbing_name_index=$(/length %tabbing_name_list) %;\
    /test kbgoto(kblen()) %;\
    /test kbdel(0) %;\
    /unset name

/def -i -mregexp -PBCmagenta -F -p100 -t"^([^ ]+) tells you '" tabbing_tells_you = \
    /if (({P1} !~ "Someone") & ({P1} !~ "someone")) \
        /tabbing_add_name %{P1} %;\

/def -i -mregexp -PBCmagenta -F -p100 -t"^You dream of ([^ ]+) telling you '" tabbing_you_dream_telling = \
    /if (({P1} !~ "Someone") & ({P1} !~ "someone")) \
        /tabbing_add_name %{P1} %;\

/def -i -mregexp -PBCmagenta -F -p100 -t"^You tell ([^ ]+) "  tabbing_you_tell = \
    /if (({P1} !~ "the") & ({P1} !~ "Someone") & ({P1} !~ "someone")) \
        /tabbing_add_name %{P1} %;\

/def -i -mregexp -PBCmagenta -F -p100 -t"^([^ ]+) is asleep, but you tell (her|him|it) '" tabbing_tell_they_sleep = \
    /if (({P1} !~ "Someone") & ({P1} !~ "someone")) \
        /tabbing_add_name %{P1} %;\