Category:Ascension Races

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Character Quick-Links Table
Classes: Core Remort Prestige Points: Exp. Hit Mana Move Prac. Quest
Races: Creatable Remort Ascension Stats: P.R. Con. Dex. Int. Str. Wis.
Tiers: Lowmort Hero Lord Religion: Worship Devotion Pantheon
Legend Titan Angel & Imm Gameplay: Roles Commands Scripting
Abilities Auras & Flags Configuration Skills & Spells

The Fae are ancestors to the High Elves. Having kept their society hidden away from lesser beings, they have begun to grant a few High Elves the power to join their race. The change from High Elf to Fae is one of magic and can only be accomplished through completing a rigorous quest.

Those who dare to take this journey, be warned, you will never be the same again.

Pages in category "Ascension Races"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.