
From AvatarWiki
Revision as of 18:52, 13 July 2006 by Mel (talk | contribs)
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Mel and Waite are the two founders of the Avatar Wiki and also the two System Administrators (although more may be added.)

Mel hosts the Avatar Wiki for free from this allows the site to have unlimited space and not be burdened with the ads and banners which many other sites are doomed to suffer from.

He has many alts on Avatar, the largest of which is Lord Melanarchy, a big nasty aggie who doesn't normally converse with lowmorts or heroes.

Mel lives in Brooklyn, NY and works in Manhattan. He is a big baseball fan and particularly likes the Boston Red Sox, he also enjoys skiing, in-line skating, playing games, and setting up information websites.

Mel works for OkCupid a free online dating site, by far the most accurate dating site on the net. He works so much he barely has enough time for avatar anymore, but he manages to make some here and there.

My email address is jm at malicio dot us, that's jm at malicious, get it? the domain is based on the us thing at the end, and apparently I also like talking about myself in the third person until the final paragraph of a description.