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   \.,,./            \.,,/
   \.,,./            \.,,/
Before you stands a Gnome of somewhat incredible stature
enveloped In the most incredible white robe that you have ever
seen. Though its Material is that of the most basic type, there is
simply something about It that captivates you. You feel as if this
creature wants nothing more Than to aid you in your journey. The
feeling of weight is lifted from your Soul as you gaze upon him. A
single tear falls from your eye as you sigh...  you have never looked
upon Gnome of this magnitude in... In.... well, NEVER!! You are
amazed at his sheer size. His features appear to be that of nothing
you have ever seen before... His hair is long and flowing, as if there
is a slight breeze that continues to ruffle its fingers through it
despite the fact that there is no wind... His eyes seem that of the
most elegant blue color, easing any pain that you once felt.  His
skin appears to be glowing... Soft and without blemish. You are
unsure as to if what you see is true.  As you reach out to touch
him to prove to yourself that he is in fact real, his eyes blink and
smile emerges In the softest and warmest of tones, he speaks
to you
Greetings adventurer! I am the angel known as Scada.
How can I help you today?

Revision as of 14:00, 27 July 2015

Category: Angels

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Before you stands a Gnome of somewhat incredible stature
enveloped In the most incredible white robe that you have ever
seen. Though its Material is that of the most basic type, there is
simply something about It that captivates you. You feel as if this
creature wants nothing more Than to aid you in your journey. The
feeling of weight is lifted from your Soul as you gaze upon him. A
single tear falls from your eye as you sigh...  you have never looked
upon Gnome of this magnitude in... In.... well, NEVER!! You are
amazed at his sheer size. His features appear to be that of nothing
you have ever seen before... His hair is long and flowing, as if there
is a slight breeze that continues to ruffle its fingers through it
despite the fact that there is no wind... His eyes seem that of the
most elegant blue color, easing any pain that you once felt.  His
skin appears to be glowing... Soft and without blemish. You are
unsure as to if what you see is true.  As you reach out to touch
him to prove to yourself that he is in fact real, his eyes blink and
smile emerges In the softest and warmest of tones, he speaks
to you

Greetings adventurer! I am the angel known as Scada.
How can I help you today?