Assassin Contracts

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Once assassins reach a certain level of experience they often begin taking on specific contracts. These "hits" serve to further boost the reputation of successful assassins.

Assassins should seek out the Assassin Of The Hand in Midgaard. He offers limited time contracts to Assassins of at least level 40. These contracts will be displayed via the INSIGNIA command once entered into and will automatically be removed after one day regardless of whether the contract is completed or not. If you manage to kill the mob specified in the contract during the time limit you should return to the Hand for your reward.

The reward is always one point of reputation. Assassins can undertake as many contracts as they wish (subject to the 1 per day limit) but they will never be able to increase their reputation above 80 via this method.


The "Bounty target" insignia will persist until the next midnight (game time, EST), regardless of whether the quest is completed or not, after which you will be able to do another contract.

Sometimes the target is in a place the assassin cannot get to herself. For example, one was at the top of the Ice Tree section in Transfigured Forest, which requires bashdoor to navigate. The target can also be in an EHA or even a Lord Area.

The target must give more than 0 xp to count.

At Hero for credit, the assassin must be in the room for the kill, and the mob must "see" them kill them. Aka, the mob can not be blind. I've seen evidence that the assassin must also get the terminal hit for you to get credit.

At Lord for credit, the assassin can be in an adjacent room for the kill, and it doesn't matter if the mob is blind.

When you kill the contract mob, you will see:

You have completed your contract! Report your success to obtain your reward.

However: If the contract mob says you did not complete the contract, then you didn't get credit for the kill as mentioned above.