Difference between revisions of "Label.tf"

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(small bugfix)
m (anchored the regexp trigger)
Line 50: Line 50:
;That's ok because the last identify comes after this trigger and sets
;That's ok because the last identify comes after this trigger and sets
;  identify_grab to 0 anyways.
;  identify_grab to 0 anyways.
/def -i -p900 -F -mregexp -t"I see no ([^ ]+)labeleok here." label_keyword = \
/def -i -p900 -F -mregexp -t"^I see no ([^ ]+)labeleok here.$" label_keyword = \
         /set identify_grab 1%;\
         /set identify_grab 1%;\
         /set label_keyword %{P1}%;\
         /set label_keyword %{P1}%;\

Revision as of 11:46, 21 October 2008

To see the results without actually labeling just use "/label <item>" while not standing at Edmuntrillion the ent. When you're confident, go to the ent and do something like "remove all.acitem" and "/for c 1 16 /label %c.acitem" ;)

New version:

  • seperated identify stuff into identify.tf so you'll need that too,
  • uses verbose.tf to /echo stuff to the screen so you'll need that too
  • kinda supports treasure/light
  • produces less spam in the room, it uses a get instead of a say to grab the keyword
  • implements a -x<command on exit> option much like the identify script to make it useful for other scripts.
  • fixes a minor bug, hr/dr enchants didn't make it into the label if the item was 0/0 by itself. Now it'll just add hr/dr no matter what. Also, draw strength shows up in the label.

You should have TINYPREFIX set in your config file, pointing at the directory with tf scripts like

/set TINYPREFIX=~/tinyfugue/

Probable issue: If your identify lag is less than 0.3 second the script will mess up in loops. So no Imm support here ;p

;Bug reports, suggestions and/or diffs are appreciated, '''sulfar''' _AT_ ''inbox'' +DOT+ ''com''
; label.tf

/loaded __SULFAR__/label.tf

/eval /require -q %{TINYPREFIX}identify.tf
/eval /require -q %{TINYPREFIX}verbose.tf

/echo -aCyellow %% /label <item>         Label item
/echo -aCyellow %%     [-x<command>]         execute command after label

;Current label format:
;armor:       l<level> b<base> [<enchant>] [<etch>]
;weapon:      l<level> <min>-<avg>-<max> <hr>/<dr> w<weight> [<etch>]
;bow:         l<level> <min>-<avg>-<max> [ds<drawstrength>] <hr>hr [<etch>]
;container:   l<level> c<capacity> w<weight> [<etch>]
;light:       l<level> [<etch>]
;treasure     l<level> [<etch>]

;Set to 0-3 to override system verbosity level
;Set to -100 to disable script verbosity level and keep system verbosity level
;see verbose.tf
/verbose -s-100 label

/def -i label = \
        /if (!getopts("x:", "")) /return 0%; /endif%; \
        /set label_post %{opt_x}%;\
        /verbose -o%{verbosity_label} -l1 - -aCcyan %%% /%0: Labeling.  Post command is %{label_post}%;\
        /identify -e"get %1labeleok" -x/label_identify_done %1

;Setting global variable identify_grab to make /label work in loops
;That's ok because the last identify comes after this trigger and sets
;  identify_grab to 0 anyways.
/def -i -p900 -F -mregexp -t"^I see no ([^ ]+)labeleok here.$" label_keyword = \
        /set identify_grab 1%;\
        /set label_keyword %{P1}%;\
        /verbose -o%{verbosity_label} -l2 - -aCyellow %%% /%0: Got keyword, %{label_keyword}

/def -i label_identify_done = \
        /verbose -o%{verbosity_label} -l2 - -aCyellow %%% /%0: Compiling label string and labeling.%;\
        /let label_string=%;\
        /if (regmatch ("armor|weapon|bow|container|light|treasure", identify_type))\
                /if (identify_type =~ "armor")\
                        /let label_string l%{identify_level}%;\
                        /let label_string %{label_string} b%{identify_armor_class}%;\
                        /if (identify_enchant_armor<0) \
                                /let label_string %{label_string} %{identify_enchant_armor}%;\
                /elseif (identify_type =~ "weapon")\
                        /let label_string l%{identify_level}%;\
                        /let label_string %{label_string} %{identify_dam_min}-%{identify_dam_avg}-%{identify_dam_max}%;\
                        /let label_string %{label_string} $[identify_hr+identify_enchant_weapon]/$[identify_dr+identify_enchant_weapon]%;\
                        /let label_string %{label_string} w%{identify_weight}%;\
                /elseif (identify_type =~ "bow")\
                        /let label_string l%{identify_level}%;\
                        /let label_string %{label_string} %{identify_dam_min}-%{identify_dam_avg}-%{identify_dam_max}%;\
                        /if (identify_draw_strength !~ "") \
                                /let label_string %{label_string} ds%{identify_draw_strength}%;\
                        /let label_string %{label_string} $[identify_hr+identify_enchant_bow]hr%;\
                /elseif (identify_type =~ "container")\
                        /let label_string l%{identify_level}%;\
                        /let label_string %{label_string} c%{identify_capacity}%;\
                        /let label_string %{label_string} w%{identify_weight}%;\
                /elseif (regmatch("light|treasure", identify_type))\
                        /let label_string l%{identify_level}%;\
                /if (identify_etch !~ "") \
                        /let label_string %{label_string} %{identify_etch}%;\
                /verbose -o%{verbosity_label} -l1 - -aCcyan %%% /%0: Labeling %{label_keyword} %{label_string}%;\
                label %{label_keyword} %{label_string}%;\
        /else /verbose -o%{verbosity_label} -l1 - -aCcyan %%% /%0: I have no idea how to label %{label_keyword} of type %{identify_type}, sorry.%;\
        /if (label_post !~ "") /eval %{label_post}%; /endif