Category:Astral Invasion

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Planeshift to Astral and go n, w, s


Besides the entrance, this area connects back up with Plane Of Astral in the Inferno Stone gear room.


This area is shaped like a spider, with eight long, twisting legs. Once you get to the fae fortress (the body of the spider), the legs are laid out as follows:

  8 1
  | |
7-   -2
6-   -3
  | |
  5 4

Note that you enter the area through the eighth leg.


This area has some interesting gear. See Gear In Astral Invasion for more information.

Other than that, it provides reasonable exp for a group of 10, but the mobs are a hassle. They wield ethereal (un-disarmable) weapons, they bash and disarm, and there's invis kzin bodyguards all over the place. The only reason I would run here for exp is if I wanted to try something different, or if it had been a long time since reboot.


This category has only the following subcategory.