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This member of the Riithi surveyor caste is applying his experience and knowledge in an attempt to find some hidden chamber which might hold some great High Drow treasure. This talriith is smaller than the yuriithi working in the other parts of the cavern, yet he is much more intelligent, being well suited to a life of solitary scouting and mapping. His overly large ears help him to hear dangers at long distances, and his helmet leaves only his ears, mouth and nose uncovered. He's wearing a form-fitting cuirass of some stony fabric, held close by a wide leather belt. Gray leather boots cover his feet.

Keywords: talriith, riithi, surveyor.
Level: 40.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: none.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invis, infravision, sneak.


A talriith is using:
<worn on body>      a Riithi granitecloth cuirass
<worn on head>      a small Riithi helmet
<worn on legs>      riithi breeches
<worn on feet>      a pair of Riithi work boots
<worn about waist>  a Riithi belt
A talriith is carrying:
     a length of knotted rope



Area: The Drow Armory (Map).

A talriith wanders.

A talriith is portable.