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Revision as of 12:15, 30 October 2008 by Jekyll (talk | contribs) (Typo fix.)
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Bug reports, suggestions and/or diffs are appreciated, sulfar _AT_ inbox +DOT+ com

Non issue: The script won't revert 3w200s, max supported is 99.

/echo -aCyellow %% /dirrev <path>     Revert speedwalk path

/def -i dirrev = \
    /if ({#}=0) \
        /echo -p %%% @{Cred}Syntax: /%{0} <path>@{n}%;\
    /else \
        /set dir_str %1 %;\
        /set dir_length $[strlen(dir_str)] %;\
        /set double_digit=0%;\
        /set dir_rev=%;\
        /for c 0 $[dir_length-1] \
            /set position $$[dir_length-c] %%;\
            /set cur_char $$[substr(dir_str, position-1, 1)] %%;\
            /set new_char %%{cur_char} %%;\
            /if (cur_char =~ "e") /set new_char w %%;/endif %%;\
            /if (cur_char =~ "s") /set new_char n %%;/endif %%;\
            /if (cur_char =~ "w") /set new_char e %%;/endif %%;\
            /if (cur_char =~ "n") /set new_char s %%;/endif %%;\
            /if (cur_char =~ "u") /set new_char d %%;/endif %%;\
            /if (cur_char =~ "d") /set new_char u %%;/endif %%;\
            /if ((new_char =/ "[0-9]") & (!double_digit)) \
                /set dir_rev $$[strcat(substr(dir_rev, 0, c-1), new_char, substr(dir_rev, c-1, 1))] %%;\
                /if (substr(dir_str, position-2, 1) =/ "[0-9]") \
                    /set dir_rev $$[strcat(substr(dir_rev, 0, c-1), substr(dir_str, position-2, 1), substr(dir_rev, c-1, 2))] %%;\
                    /set double_digit 1 %%;\
                /endif %%;\
            /elseif ( regmatch("[nsewud]", new_char) ) \
                /set dir_rev $$[strcat(dir_rev, new_char)] %%;\
                /set double_digit 0 %%;\
            /endif %;\
        /echo -p %%% @{Cwhite}The reverse of @{Cgreen}%{dir_str} @{Cwhite}is @{Cgreen}%dir_rev@{n}%;\