Book Of Rune

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A rune-covered book lies here. Loose papers jut from its pages.

Keyword(s): book of rune
Level(s): 50-52.
Type: spellbook.
Quality: 2 hps.
Weight: 1 lbs.
Flag(s): glow nolocate.


Reading this spellbook will give a wizard 95% knowledge of the spell Rune.


pp Naamsa Scribe

Go w n and get silver disk from the statue.

Go s e e e s s s w s. Push eye.

Go d d n e n n n and you will see A mound of crystal, partly covered with slime, rises above the waters surface.

Unlock dome using silver disk, open dome, and get the gold disk from the dome.

After you get the Gold disk go north until you can go back up to the surface, or you can teleport to the Naamsa Scribe.

From the Naamsa Scribe, go e e s s e n n

Unlock down and go d s w s w to find Shiaana NaamTer'Sa, tougher mobs (including changelings) so be prepared for a big fight.

Note: There are actually 4 domes and 4 gold disks in the underground area. Each gold disk unlocks 1 of 4 doors down to the where Shiaana is. The directions indicated above apply for the northeast gold disk and door. Getting a different gold disk will mean using a different door down to Shiaana and the directions will be different. The mobs at the lower level are big, generally over level 80, some are in sanctuary, and all of them hit very hard. This quest is quite difficult to solo at any level.

Mob: Shiaana NaamTer'Sa
Area: Isle Of NaamBres'Shho (Map)