Zmud Colors

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Revision as of 08:19, 9 September 2010 by Rhodry (talk | contribs) (added the color set of triggers as amyzeroks site doesnt exist anymore)
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This is the color set of triggers from the amyzerok site, added as the site is now defunct. Highlights several things to add a bit more color to your mudding experience.


Copy this section and paste it into a *.txt file. Then, in zMUD, go to "Settings -> File -> Import Text" and select the file you saved to:

#CLASS {color}
#ALIAS low_stat_checker {
  #if (@hps_percent<50) {#temp { @hps_string} {#cw 14}}
  #if (@mana_percent<50) {#temp { @mana_string} {#cw 14}}
  #if (@moves_percent<50) {#temp { @moves_string} {#cw 14}}
  #if (@hps_percent<20) {#temp { @hps_string} {#cw 12}}
  #if (@mana_percent<20) {#temp { @mana_string} {#cw 12}}
  #if (@moves_percent<20) {#temp { @moves_string} {#cw 12}}
#TRIGGER {~(Black Aura~)} {#cw 8}
#TRIGGER {~(flying~)} {#cw 11}
#TRIGGER {~(Glowing~)} {#cw 12}
#TRIGGER {~(Green Aura~)} {#cw 10}
#TRIGGER {~(hide~)} {#cw 8}
#TRIGGER {~(humming~)} {#cw 9}
#TRIGGER {~(pink aura~)} {#cw 13}
#TRIGGER {~(invis~)} {#cw 8}
#TRIGGER {~(sneak~)} {#cw 8}
#TRIGGER {~(white aura~)} {#cw 15}
#TRIGGER {Pristine} {#cw 15}
#TRIGGER {~(magical~)} {#cw 13}
#TRIGGER {~(demonic~)} {#cw 8}
#TRIGGER {~(sharp~)} {#cw 15}
#TRIGGER {^Darii deems you worthy, and protects you} {#hi}
#TRIGGER {^Darii surrounds} {#hi}
#TRIGGER {~(translucent~)} {#cw 3}
#TRIGGER {^You are surrounded by a white aura} {#cw 15}
#TRIGGER {white aura} {#cw 15}
#TRIGGER {^You are filled with rage.} {#cw 12}
#TRIGGER {arrives from} {#hi}
#TRIGGER {screams and attacks!} {#co 12}
#TRIGGER {^Tul-Sith deems you worthy, and protects you!} {#cw 15}
#TRIGGER {Spell: '([a-z ])'(%*)for ({0|1|2} hours).} {
  #TEMP {%1} {#cw 524}
  #TEMP {%3} {#cw 524}
#TRIGGER {Your attack[s ]strike[s ](%*) (%d) time[s, ]with[* ](%w)[* ](%w)[!.]} {
  #TEMP {%2} {#cw 14}
  #TEMP {%3} {#cw 14}
#TRIGGER {(%d)[| ](%d)(%s)(%w)(%s)(%w)(%s)(%w)(%s)(%d)/(%d)(%s)(%d)/(%d)(%s)(%d)/(%d)(%s)(%d) } {
  #var hps_string %10
  #math hps_percent (%10*100)/%11
  #var mana_string %13
  #math mana_percent (%13*100)/%14
  #var moves_string %16
  #math moves_percent (%16*100)/%17

Designer comments

All the credits for this trigger set go to Amyzerok, some of the triggers might be defunct now as the mud might do this for you.