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You can etch items at certain places like the Jeweller in Midgaard for a price. This gives the item one additional keyword. It is a one etch deal, however, and cannot be un-etched. You can only etch words with 4-12 characters. It is also not possible to etch scrolls, corpses, and certain other types of objects. We're offering a potentially powerful tool to you. Treat it wisely. WARNING#1: Color keywords work... but not in a good way. We suggest not wasting your money on color unless you want to type your keywords in color. WARNING#2: The Immortal Staff can see what you add as a keyword. Abuse of current language and in-theme policies will be enforced and can result in repercussions if ignored. (If there's too much abuse, the command will no longer be offered to everyone.)

See also Etchers.