Category:The Conundrum
Celestial, seeing the growing dissatisfaction with prolonged battles that Lords undertake daily, and that seem to be without purpose or end, has decided to strengthen their resolve. Troubled by visions of what is bound to happen should the Lords cease their vigil, he decided to summon them, and to share these visions of unavoidable futures. Visions, which are all but pleasant. "Is there a way to permanently balance the future, avoid the destruction bound to happen, when that future is already inevitable?", the Celestial asks, as he ponders at the possibilities, "That, in itself, is the Conundrum."
SEE ALSO: Celestial, Alpha Thule
Shift earth, north, 4 x west and then enter nexus.
find the random direction that has Celestial up, can set anchor here
After mprog, enter vision, more mprog (no regen room, will Auto-CR here if you die), head down. [Note, if you have an Itches Of Darkness, give it to the mob after en vision for a gem]
From here, head north, north, south which will take you to a new room (Cathrarobel, the Rubble City)
Then east, south, west, clear mobs then enter en.
Clear mobs and head west, then 4 x south.
Here you'll fight a mob called "Quest fellowship of superheroes" - it cannot be killed so have all casters stop casting during this fight to save mana. Eventually a mprog will start which will lead to a casting of calm: enter the portal at this point.
The mob will not aggie you here - use this room to regen. When ready kill the mob in this room. A few more will join.
Eventually a prog will start which will create a crack. The room is silent at this point so make sure to brief groupies ahead of time. First you'll see a "CRRRAACCKK" then a "CRASH" the a large amount of blank space/empty lines. At the point the crack has spawned and you can enter it (tanks first! remember its silent).
The next room is the final fight and its very tough. Have troll revive, have casters surge up, max veil and have your tank enter the crack first (though this can be difficult due to silence). Anyone who doesn't enter the silence will eventually die.
After the fight, grab all the corpses and skin them later for your loot. Gurney any group mates that died and head east and then enter vision.
You'll be back at the Celestial. Kneel here for the Miniscule Time Vortex insig (2 week temp insig, regen boost). You can home from here and skin your loot.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.