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[[Category: Mobs]]
[[Category: Mobs]]
[[Category: Fusilier Trainers]]
[[Category: Mobs In Wildwood]]
[[Category: Mobs In Wildwood]]
[[Category: Fusilier Trainers]]

Revision as of 01:26, 9 February 2006

Shen is large for a halfling, but spear bald. In place of hair, he has a jagged black pattern tattooed on his scalp. Planning a future raid, Shen is content for now to observe the giants in the valley below, merely taking notes of their movements and only occassionally putting a rock between their eyes from his treetop roost.

Keywords: Shen, halfling.
Level: 51 or more.
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: steadfast, trainer.
Affects: infravision, detect hidden, detect invis.


Shen is using:
<used as light>     <nothing>
<worn on finger>    <nothing>
<worn on finger>    <nothing>
<worn around neck>  <nothing>
<worn around neck>  <nothing>
<worn on body>      <nothing>
<worn on head>      <nothing>
<worn on legs>      <nothing>
<worn on feet>      <nothing>
<worn on hands>     <nothing>
<worn on arms>      <nothing>
<held in offhand>   <nothing>
<worn about body>   <nothing>
<worn about waist>  <nothing>
<worn on wrist>     <nothing>
<worn on wrist>     <nothing>
<wielded>           <nothing>
<held>              <nothing>
Shen is carrying:



Area: Wildwood.
Room: In the mountains (portable, safe).

Walking route from Aelmon: 16e, [e], 2e, n, 2e, 3s, 3e, 3n, 2w, 3n, w, n, e, n, e, 3n, 2e, 2s, 3e, 2s, 2e, 3s, 3e, n, 2e, n, e, 2n, e, 2s.

Shen is portable.