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The leader of the guards of Tul-Sith is a firedrake. She's served her Goddess for many a moon and in many exotic places. Now she's settled in to guarding the temple. It is difficult to tell how old a firedrake is, but this one's scars show that she's not inexperienced at what she does. She casually leans against the wall as she stands guard outside the offices of the High Priestess.

Keywords: guardsman, paladin, leader.
Level: 27.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: citizen, steadfast.
Affects: protection evil.


The leader of the paladin guardsman is using:
<worn on body>      the paladin leader's uniform
<wielded>           a paladin's shortsword
The leader of the paladin guardsman is carrying:



Area: Temple of Midgaard (Map).
Room: Entry Chamber to the High Priestess of Tul-Sith's Quarters (portable).

Walking route from Sol: 3e, s, 3e, 3s, 5e, n, 12e, 2n, w, 3n, {w}, {s}, {s}, u, s, {s}.
Walking route from Aelmon: 5w, 2n, w, 3n, {w}, {s}, {s}, u, s, {s}.

Walking route from High Priest guildmaster: d, 2e, n, w, 3n, {w}, {s}, {s}, u, s, {s}.

The leader of the paladin guardsman is portable.