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[[Category: Shard_Area_Gear]]
[[Category: Shard_Area_Gear]]
[[Category:Gear that modifies damage reduction]]

Latest revision as of 12:47, 2 September 2024

A powerful shield forged from arcane infused marble lies here.
 Object 'gambit declined shield' type armor, extra flags glow hum magic major-ward.
 Weight 25, value 9300, level 126.
 Object Quality (499 / 500 hps)
 Armor class is 26.
  Modifies damage reduction by  50 continuous
  Modifies healing power by + 5% continuous
  Modifies armor class by  -95 continuous
  Modifies constitution by  2 continuous
  Modifies strength by  2 continuous

See SIlmavar Lost for run