Serated Barb

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Revision as of 09:28, 2 July 2006 by Waite (talk | contribs)
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A serated barb is here. A thin strand of slimy flesh clings to it.
Type: ticket
Weight: 1
Flags: nolocate
Plane: Noctopia
Area: Under The Stars
Mob: Bloodmaw Tentacle

If you give this item to Rietta, she tells you the following (and gives it back):

Rietta says, "This barb comes from the tentacle of a Bloodmaw if I'm not mistaken. The beast has many long tentacles, each with its own mouth on the end, so few of its victims ever see it face to face. In order to get it to surface, one has to lop off enough tentacles to get its attention."'

She hands the barb back to you, "Not that I'd reccomend that, of course. If you get yourself devoured don't go moping around the after-life saying Lady Rietta told you to attack a Bloodmaw."