User talk:Shalineth

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Revision as of 02:10, 21 January 2011 by Scrape (talk | contribs)
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Shalineth - not a big deal. I did catch that. That's the point of a wiki - share the knowledge. Thanks for the compliment. I do what i can. --Ylem 21:43, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

Your posted XML for the damage counter script no longer works in CMUDv3. If you want I can give you the correct XML for v3. To post along with what you have. I've never posted on a wiki before so I don't want to mess anything up trying to edit it. Let me know if you are still around I'm Cesroc in game. --MtnMan03 11/14/2010

spellbot trig doesn't seem to check mana first. is it possibly missing a variable? like @currmana? because there is no way to add your current mana to that variable which isn't even created when i load the xml file.. which won't load because of #if @currmana<100.. when the xml loader see's the 1.. it says it is not valid. line 31, col 131 er something like that.