Count Orosca

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Revision as of 23:07, 19 January 2006 by DaveGarber1975 (talk | contribs)
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Count Orosca grimaces as he sees you. "Never marry for money dear boy, it's nothing but trouble. The lovely (he grimaces as he says lovely) Countess Orosca is going to have me strung up. While she was holidaying a thief broke into the keep and stole her priceless emerald jewelry - a matching set. If I can't find it before her return, I'm as good as dead!" With that he sobs and continues his fruitless search.

Keywords: Count, Orosca.
Level: (?).
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: none.


Count Orosca is using:
<used as light>     <nothing>
<worn on finger>    <nothing>
<worn on finger>    <nothing>
<worn around neck>  <nothing>
<worn around neck>  <nothing>
<worn on body>      <nothing>
<worn on head>      <nothing>
<worn on legs>      <nothing>
<worn on feet>      <nothing>
<worn on hands>     <nothing>
<worn on arms>      <nothing>
<held in offhand>   <nothing>
<worn about body>   <nothing>
<worn about waist>  <nothing>
<worn on wrist>     <nothing>
<worn on wrist>     <nothing>
<wielded>           <nothing>
<held>              <nothing>
Count Orosca is carrying:



Area: Midgaard Fair.
Room: Entrance to the Midgaard Fair (portable, safe).

Walking route from Aelmon: 5s, 5e, 3n.

Count Orosca is portable.