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(Lowmort gear macro and etching scheme)
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Revision as of 22:46, 17 September 2008

Running 4 lowmorts at a time on multiday can give you a headache. After each multiday I've been trying to find ways to cut down annoyance time and have more playing time ;) This etching scheme and the script below cuts out the most annoying and time consuming part of frequent lowmort multiday running... keeping track of about 250 pieces of eq. If you have your gear etched and bagged according to the etching scheme, the script will always make you wear the best gear available to you on the level - and within a second.

I use 3 locker alts. One carries bags of ac gear, one hit gear and one arc gear. The bags are etched according to the gear kit and level range they contain. The etch is b<gear><levelrange>, bac20 for a bag of ac gear you can wear from level 20-30, barc40 for a bag of arc gear you can wear from 40-50 and so on. All of them have level 50 hero gear in a bag as well, bags go like bhit47, bac47, barc47.

I etch items according to the gear kit they're in (ac, arc, hit) and the level... Pay attention though, I didn't use the level of the item for the etch but the level you can wear/wield it at. Wields are kept in a seperate bag, called bwields. I put bows and shields in the barc/bac bags as I would with armor items. This list of examples should cover all etches in use by this system.

item                                     etch
level 27 gargoyle bracer b7              ac24
level 28 gargoyle bracer b7 -3           ac25
level 29 gargoyle bracer b8 -3           ac26
level 14 pants of illusion               hit11
level 36 spidersilk bracers              arc33
level 20 simple hunter's bow             arc15
level 23 sharpened golden claw           wield18
level 25 offhand 11/11 moonblade dagger  offhand20
level 30 silver cavalry shield           ac27
level 50 flaming pants                   hit47
bag of lvl 10-20 wearable hitgear        bhit10
bag of lvl 20-30 wearable arcgear        barc20 
bag of lvl 30-40 wearable acgear         bac30
bag of lvl 50 hero hit gear              bhit47
bag of lvl 50 hero arc gear              barc47
bag of wields                            bwields

Since I have just 2 nicely enchanted offhands for the 2 wars i dont really use a loop for those but just "wear offhand". The three gargoyle bracers here serve as an example... As long as you make sure the higher level wrist item is better than the lower level wrist item, you can put as many of them in your bags as you like, the script will make you wear the best you can at the level. My bags with lowmort hit gear actually contains everything for 2 sets, the second war will just use the best of what's left over by the first ;)

Now I can start manipulating all these items with loops. What I do is "drop all.barc" with the locker carrying the arc gear, then "/fixgear arc 35" on a level 35 arc, then pick up the bags with the locker. This is the script, i put some example output below it.

;Bug reports, suggestions and/or diffs are appreciated, '''sulfar''' _AT_ ''inbox'' +DOT+ ''com''
; lowmort gear fixing macro :)
; /fixgear <gear> <level>   Wears hit, ac, arc or mana gear for level
; /fixgear <gear> 0         Will put the gear into the appropriate bags
/def -i fixgear = \
    /set gear %1%;\
    /set level %2%;\
    rem all%;\
    /if (level >= 47) \
        get all  b%{gear}47%;\
        wear all.%{gear}47%;\
    put all.%{gear}47 b%{gear}47%;\
    /for c 1 $[level/10] \
        /set wear_level_tens $$[level/10+1-c]%%;\
        get all b%{gear}%%{wear_level_tens}0%%;\
        /for i 0 9 \
            /set wear_level %%%{wear_level_tens}$$$[9-i]%%%;\
            /if (level >= wear_level) \
                wear all.%{gear}%%%{wear_level}%%%;\
        put all.%{gear}%%{wear_level_tens} b%{gear}%%{wear_level_tens}0%;\
;cleanup line
    /for c 1 4 put all.%{gear}%%{c} b%{gear}%%{c}0%;\
    /if (gear =~ "hit") \
        get all bwields%;\
        /for c $[level-9] %{level} wield wield%%{c}%;\
        put all.wield bwields%;\
        wear offhand%;\
;try to wear some level eq i might have
    wear "golden robe"%;\
    wear "wreath laurel"

Example (but trimmed) output of "/fixgear hit 32":

remove all
get all bhit30
wear all.hit32
wear all.hit31
wear all.hit30
put all.hit3 bhit30
get all bhit20
wear all.hit29
... [snip] ...
wear all.hit20
put all.hit2 bhit20
... [snip, that'll continue to level 11] ...
get all bwields
wield wield23
wield wield24
... [snip] ...
wield wield32
put all.wield bwields
wear offhand
wear "golden robe"
wear "wreath laurel"

For armor pieces I use the fact that "wear all.*" will not switch out gear you're already wearing, for wields I use the fact that wield wield20 *will* switch out the wield19. The wreath, the golden robe and 2 shields to bash is all that's left for me to pack manually.