Difference between revisions of "Group list:colors and format"

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(Colors hp/mana/tnl in the output of 'group' and reformats it a bit)
(No difference)

Revision as of 03:02, 10 November 2008

This script changes the format and color of the list you see when you type "group". See the comments in the script for more information.

;Bug reports, suggestions and/or diffs are appreciated, '''sulfar''' _AT_ ''inbox'' +DOT+ ''com''

;  hp and mana are yellow if they're <= 50%, red if they're <= 20%.
;  tnl is yellow if it's <= 250, red if it it's <= 100.

;The original group list has this green, cyan, etc pattern.  With no default
;  color set it'll keep as much from that pattern as it can, which is nice by
;  itself, but might be confusing if the group is hurt and you get red, cyan,
;  green, yellow, green, cyan.  Setting a default would change that to red,
;  <default>, <default>, yellow, <default>, <default>.
;So if gls_default_color is an empty string it will keep the colors it got from
;  avatar.  If it's set to a value that value will be used as default color.
;/set gls_default_color=
/set gls_default_color=cyan

;I also made the columns align differently, so the hp/hp_max and mana/mana_max
;  aren't just left-aligned, but the '/' is at a fixed position.  I like that
;  much better.
; 1| 24 Mag  Darkfader    Stand 213/213     538/538     268/268     1296   1000
; 2|973 Hero Enchantress  Stand 1765/1765   6039/6110   4114/5216   819    1000
; 3|  6 Lord Kimla        Stand 2086/2086   1095/4686   4283/4283   14458  1000
;With this substitute:
; 1| 24 Mag  Darkfader    Stand   213/213     538/538     268/268   1296   1000.
; 2|973 Hero Enchantress  Stand  1765/1765   6037/6110   4114/5216  819    1000.
; 3|  6 Lord Kimla        Stand  2086/2086   1020/4686   4283/4283  14458  1000.

;It appends a dot to each line so you can easily see the trigger is working.

/def -i -mregexp -t"^ *([0-9]+)[^ ] *([0-9]+) *([a-zA-Z]+) *([a-zA-Z]+) *([a-zA-Z]+) *([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) *([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) *([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) *([0-9]+) *([0-9]+)$" group_list_substitute = \
        /let _id %{P1}%;\
        /let _level %{P2}%;\
        /let _tier %{P3}%;\
        /let _name %{P4}%;\
        /let _pos %{P5}%;\
        /let _hp %{P6}%;\
        /let _hp_max %{P7}%;\
        /let _mana %{P8}%;\
        /let _mana_max %{P9}%;\
        /let _mv %{P10}%;\
        /let _mv_max %{P11}%;\
        /let _tnl %{P12}%;\
        /let _align %{P13}%;\
;color hp
        /if ((_hp*100/_hp_max) <= 20) \
                /test (_hp:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_hp), "Cred"), _hp_max:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_hp_max), "Cred"))%;\
        /elseif ((_hp*100/_hp_max) <= 50) \
                /test (_hp:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_hp), "Cyellow"), _hp_max:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_hp_max), "Cyellow"))%;\
        /elseif (gls_default_color !~ "") \
                /test (_hp:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_hp), "C%{gls_default_color}"), _hp_max:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_hp_max), "C%{gls_default_color}"))%;\
;color mana
        /if ((_mana*100/_mana_max) <= 20) \
                /test (_mana:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_mana), "Cred"), _mana_max:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_mana_max), "Cred"))%;\
        /elseif ((_mana*100/_mana_max) <= 50) \
                /test (_mana:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_mana), "Cyellow"), _mana_max:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_mana_max), "Cyellow"))%;\
        /elseif (gls_default_color !~ "") \
                /test (_mana:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_mana), "C%{gls_default_color}"), _mana_max:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_mana_max), "C%{gls_default_color}"))%;\
;color tnl
        /if (_tnl <= 100) \
                /test _tnl:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_tnl), "Cred")%;\
        /elseif (_tnl <= 250) \
                /test _tnl:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_tnl), "Cyellow")%;\
        /elseif (gls_default_color !~ "") \
                /test _tnl:=decode_attr(strip_attr(_tnl), "C%{gls_default_color}")%;\
;substitute the mud output and do the padding
        /substitute -aCcyan -p @{n}$[pad(_id, 2, "|", 1, _level, 3, " ", 1, _tier, -5, \
                _name, -13, _pos, -6, _hp, 5, "/", 1, _hp_max, -6, _mana, 5, "/", 1, \
                _mana_max, -6, _mv, 5, "/", 1, _mv_max, -6, _tnl, -7, _align, 4)].