Zmud Auto Rescue
This is the Auto rescue set of triggers from the amezyarak site, added as the site is now defunct.
Syntax: addrescue <charname>, adds character to the rescue list.
Syntax: dontrescue <charname>, remove a character from the rescue list.
Syntax: clearrescue, clears the rescue list.
A right click menu also lets you right click on a char name and it will either add or remove depending on what you select.
Copy this section and paste it into a *.txt file. Then, in zMUD, go to "Settings -> File -> Import Text" and select the file you saved to:
#CLASS {autorescue} #ALIAS autorescue {#ec autorescue - %1 #var groupie %additem(%lower(%1),@groupie) #ec #ec --- CHARACTERS IN THE RESCUE LIST --- #ec #fo @groupie {#ec %i}} #ALIAS dontrescue {#ec don't rescue - %1 #var groupie %delitem(%lower(%1),@groupie) #ec #ec --- CHARACTERS IN THE RESCUE LIST --- #ec #fo @groupie {#ec %i}} #ALIAS clearrescue {#ye {clear the rescue list?} {yes:groupie="";#ec rescue buffer - cleared} {no:}} #ALIAS showrescue {#ec #ec --- CHARACTERS IN THE RESCUE LIST --- #ec #fo @groupie {#ec %i}} #VAR groupie {} #MENU {rescue} {autorescue %selword} "" #MENU {don't rescue} {dontrescue %selword} "" #MENU {show rescue} {showrescue} "" #MENU {clear rescue} {clearrescue} "" #CLASS 0 #CLASS {autorescue|rescue} #TRIGGER {(%*) attack[s ]strike[s ](%w)} {#if %ismember( %lower( %2), @groupie) {rescue %2;#t- rescue}} #TRIGGER {(%*) attacks haven't hurt (%w)} {#if %ismember( %lower( %2), @groupie) {rescue %2;#t- rescue}} #CLASS 0 #CLASS {autorescue|rescue2} #TRIGGER {^(%*) is DEAD!!} {#T+ rescue} #TRIGGER {You successfully rescue} {#T+ rescue} #TRIGGER {doesn't need your help.} {#T+ rescue} #CLASS 0
Designer comments
All the credits for this trigger set go to amezyarak.
As written I could not get it working on Zmud 7.21. The @groupmem variable has to exist and be populated which this script does not do. Either change the variable call in the trigger pattern to (%w) or add a script to populate the variable with the members of your group. Vaevictus