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Revision as of 13:44, 13 November 2008 by Sulfar (talk | contribs) (adds info to summary)
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  • custom colors of affects list
  • /aff <spell> shows affects list just for <spell>
  • /sick shows how sick you are
  • /chkaff shows which spells you are *not* affected by
  • Sanctuary ticker on the satus line
  • Spellup ticker on the status line

The tickers grab the duration of sanctuary and holy aura from the affects list, colors them and puts them in a status variable. It then uses to make the tickers count down on the tick. That also means that if the tick counter isn't running yet it won't count down ;)

This script uses and so you'll need those too. Also, you should have TINYPREFIX set in your config file, pointing at the directory with tf scripts like

/set TINYPREFIX=~/tinyfugue/
;Bug reports, suggestions and/or diffs are appreciated, '''sulfar''' _AT_ ''inbox'' +DOT+ ''com''

/require -q

/eval /require -q %{TINYPREFIX}
/eval /require -q %{TINYPREFIX}

/echo -aCyellow %% /aff <spell>          Shows affects list for <spell>
/echo -aCyellow %% /sick                 Shows how sick you are
/echo -aCyellow %% /chkaff               Shows which spells you are *not* affected by

;I set my status line in a single command in my config file, this is what it
;  looks like with the right variables for this script:
;/status_add -c @more:8:Br @world:9 :1 status_sanctuary:3 :1 status_spellup:3 :1 status_position insert:2 :1 @clock:16

;Custom color the affects list..
;Paint all of the affects list green
/def -i -p999 -F -PCgreen -mregexp -t"^Spell: '.*" affects_green

;yellow for some spells i might want to check more than others
/def -i -p998 -F -PCyellow -mregexp -t"^Spell: '(steel|iron|bark|pass|fly|water|heigh|conc).*" affects_yellow

;white for spells i most probably want to find quickly
/def -i -p998 -F -PCwhite -mregexp -t"^Spell: '(sanc|regen|scramble|hand).*" affects_white

;You can "/aff sanc" and it'll only show the sanctuary line
;or use a regexp, "/aff sanc|fren"
/def -i aff = \
        /def -t"You are affected by:" _aff_affected = \
                /def -p900 -mregexp -t"^Spell: '%{1}.*" _aff_spell%%;\
                /def -p899 -ag -mregexp -t"^Spell: '" _aff_gag_other_affects%%;\
                /repeat -0.3 1 /undef _aff_affected _aff_spell _aff_gag_other_affects%;\

;Just a /sick macro.
/def -i sick = \
        /set sick_poison 0%;\
        /set sick_disease 0%;\
        /def -t"You are affected by:" _sick_affected = \
                /def -p900 -mregexp -t"^Spell: '(poison|toxin|biotoxin|venom)'.*" _sick_poison = /test $$$[++sick_poison] %%;\
                /def -p900 -mregexp -t"^Spell: '(virus|plague)'.*" _sick_disease = /test $$$[++sick_disease]%%;\
                /def -p899 -ag -mregexp -t"^Spell: '" _sick_gag_other_affects%%;\
                /repeat -0.3 1 \
                        /undef _sick_affected _sick_poison _sick_disease _sick_gag_other_affects%%%;\
                gtell %%%%% I am affected by: %%%sick_poison poisons and %%%sick_disease diseases%;\

;/chkaff will show you the spells from the chkaff_list by which
;you're *not* affected.
/def -i chkaff = \
        /set chkaff_list= |BR| sanctuary |R| awen foci fortitudes \
                invincibility barkskin steel_skeleton iron_skin |W| protection_evil bless holy_aura \
                holy_armor armor water_breathing energy_shield displacement body_brace \
                mental_barrier calcify_flesh biofeedback anticipate adrenaline_pump concentrate \
                pass_door fly shield stone_skin giant_strength |G| frenzy |B| heighten_senses%;\
        /set chkaff 1%;\

/def -i -E(chkaff) -p100 -F -t"You are affected by:" chkaff_affected = \
        /set prompt_exe chkaff

/def -i -E(chkaff) -p100 -F -mregexp -t"^Spell: '(.+)' .+" chkaff_spell = \
        /let affect=$[replace(" ", "_", {P1})]%;\
        /set chkaff_list=$(/remove %affect %chkaff_list)

/def -i -E(chkaff) -p991 -mglob -h'send PROMPT_EXE chkaff' chkaff_PROMPT_EXE = \
        /set prompt_exe=%;\
        /set chkaff 0%;\
        gtell %%% I am *not* affected by %chkaff_list

;Sanc and spellup tickers on the status line
/def -i -p999 -F -t"You are affected by:" tickers_init = \
        /set sanctuary_duration=%;\
        /set spellup_duration=%;\


/def -i -p999 -F -mregexp -t"^Spell: 'sanctuary'  for ([0-9]+) hours.$" aff_sanc = \
        /test sanctuary_duration:=strip_attr({P1})%;\

/def -i -p999 -F -t"The protective aura fades from around your body." sanctuary_fades = \
        /set sanctuary_duration=

/def -i -p991 -F -mglob -h'send TICK_EXE' sanctuary_tick = \
        /if (sanctuary_duration > 0) /test --sanctuary_duration%;\
        /else /set sanctuary_duration=%;\

/def -i sanctuary_status = \
        /set status_sanctuary \$%{sanctuary_duration}%;\
        /if (sanctuary_duration =~ "") \
                /set status_attr_var_status_sanctuary=%;\
        /elseif (sanctuary_duration == 0) \
                /set status_attr_var_status_sanctuary BCred%;\
        /elseif (sanctuary_duration <= 2) \
                /set status_attr_var_status_sanctuary Cred%;\
        /elseif (sanctuary_duration <= 5) \
                /set status_attr_var_status_sanctuary Cyellow%;\
        /else \
                /set status_attr_var_status_sanctuary=%;\

/def -i -t"You are surrounded by a white aura." got_sanc = affects

;Do the same for holy aura to have a spellup ticker
/def -i -p999 -F -mregexp -t"^Spell: 'holy aura'  modifies armor class by -[0-9]+ for ([0-9]+) hours.$" aff_spellup = \
        /test spellup_duration:=strip_attr({P1})%;\

/def -i -p999 -F -t"Your Aura of Holiness fades..." spellup_fades = \
        /set spellup_duration=

/def -i -p991 -F -mglob -h'send TICK_EXE' spellup_tick = \
        /if (spellup_duration > 0) /test --spellup_duration%;\
        /else /set spellup_duration=%;\

/def -i spellup_status = \
        /set status_spellup s%{spellup_duration}%;\
        /if (spellup_duration =~ "") \
                /set status_attr_var_status_spellup=%;\
        /elseif (spellup_duration == 0) \
                /set status_attr_var_status_spellup BCred%;\
        /elseif (spellup_duration <= 1) \
                /set status_attr_var_status_spellup Cred%;\
        /elseif (spellup_duration <= 3) \
                /set status_attr_var_status_spellup Cyellow%;\
        /else \
                /set status_attr_var_status_spellup=%;\