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Revision as of 00:25, 17 November 2008 by Sulfar (talk | contribs) (Made executing of commands work for lowmorts too...)
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This script provides

  • easy alt switching, one command will log out the current char and login the other
  • triggers to log in quickly scrolling by the motd and what not
  • a modified /world ( which will not connect if tf has an active connection
  • a modification to /world to set secho off during the /@connect, this prevends the password from being displayed if you have secho on.
  • you can use /alt -x<command> <alt> to log in <alt> and have <command> executed when the alt logged in, so you could easily make a spellup macro that'd use 2 alts :)

You'll probably want to change the value of "main_alt" at the beginning of this script.

An older version had a bug that creeped in when I changed the trigger to a disconnect hook. It didn't turn it off after an alt switch. If you'd use it to log in (create) a denied character, the script would loop trying to log in that character. I suspect it'd do the same if you'd have a wrong password in your config file. Big oops! If you're using this script, plz make sure and update.

;Bug reports, suggestions and/or diffs are appreciated, '''sulfar''' _AT_ ''inbox'' +DOT+ ''com''
/loaded __SULFAR__/

/echo -aCyellow %% /alt                  (Logout and) login %{main_alt}
/echo -aCyellow %% /alt <world>          (Logout and) login <world>
/echo -aCyellow %%     [-x<command>]         execute <command> after alt switch
/echo -aCyellow %% /relog                (Logout and) login current world

;Set this variable to your main alt
/set main_alt sulfar

/def alt_init = \
        /set alt_get=0%;\
        /set alt=%;\
        /set alt_post=%;\
        /set alt_execute_post=0

;;Quick, easy and safe alt switching
/def -i alt = \
        /if (!getopts("x:", "")) /return 0%; /endif%; \
        /if (opt_x !~ "") \
                /set alt_post %{opt_x}%;\
                /set alt_execute_post 1%;\
        /set alt %*%;\
        /if (alt =~ "") /set alt %{main_alt}%;/endif%;\
        /if (is_open())\
                /set alt_get 1%;\
        /else \
                /world %{alt}%;\
                /set alt=%;\

/def -i relog = /alt ${world_name}

/def -i -E(alt_get) -p999 -F -h'disconnect' alt_disconnect = \
        /set alt_get 0%;\
        /world %{alt}%;\
        /set alt=

/def -i -E(alt_execute_post) -p999 -F -t"Welcome back to the AVATAR System*" alt_welcome_back = \
        /let post %alt_post%;\
        /echo -aCcyan %%% /%0: Alt switch ready!  Executing command: %post%;\
        /if (post !~ "") /eval -s0 %{post}%; /endif

;Some triggers to scroll by the motd and what not
/def -i -mregexp -t"AVATAR (PLAYER|MORTAL) INFORMATION CENTER" login_enter_1 = /eval /send%;/repeat -0:00:0.5 1 /eval /send %;/echo %%% trigger: %0
/def -i -mregexp -t"Please press <enter> to continue" login_enter_2 = /eval /send%;/repeat -0:00:0.5 1 /eval /send %; /echo %%% trigger: %0
/def -i -mregexp -t"Please ensure that you've read and understood the Rules." login_enter_3 = /eval /send%;/repeat -0:00:0.5 1 /eval /send %; /echo %%% trigger: %0
/def -i -mregexp -t"please press *RETURN* to continue" login_enter_4 = /eval /send%;/repeat -0:00:0.5 1 /eval /send %; /echo %%% trigger: %0
/def -i -mregexp -t"Press <ENTER> to continue" login_enter_5 = /eval /send%;/repeat -0:00:0.5 1 /eval /send %; /echo %%% trigger: %0

;Modified /world (
; will not connect if tf has an active connection to avoid multiplay accidents
; will turn secho off before connecting to prevend echoing the password to the
;   screen in case it was on.  The value of secho is restored after connecting.
/def -i world = \
        /if (!getopts("nlqxfb", 0)) /return 0%; \
        /endif%; \
        /let _args=%*%; \
        /if (_args =~ "") \
                /let _args=$(/nth 1 $(/@listworlds -s))%; \
                /if (_args =/ "default") \
                        /let _args=$(/nth 2 $(/@listworlds -s))%; \
                /endif%; \
        /endif%; \
        /let _opts=%; \
        /if (is_open(_args)) \
                /if (opt_n) /let _opts=%_opts -n%; /endif%; \
                /if (opt_q) /let _opts=%_opts -q%; /endif%; \
                /@fg %_opts %_args%; \
        /elseif (is_open())\
                /echo %% But you *are* connected!%;\
        /else \
                /if (opt_l) /let _opts=%_opts -l%; /endif%; \
                /if (opt_q) /let _opts=%_opts -q%; /endif%; \
                /if (opt_x) /let _opts=%_opts -x%; /endif%; \
                /if (opt_f) /let _opts=%_opts -f%; /endif%; \
                /if (opt_b) /let _opts=%_opts -b%; /endif%; \
                /let _secho %{secho}%;\
                /set secho off%;\
                /@connect %_opts %_args%; \
                /set secho %{_secho}%;\