Book of the Minotaur

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So, bold adventurer, thou hast slain the Minotaur of Belgarion's labyrinth, yet it shall not avail thee unless thou can answer my riddles. Not only must you solve the riddles, you must also figure out how the correct solution aids thee. Soon, your bones will join mine...

I have four legs in the morning,
two legs in the afternoon,
three legs at night.

I run, but never walk,
have a mouth, but never talk;
a bed, but never sleep,
a head, but never weep.

No sooner spoken than broken.

There was once a green house,
inside the green house was a white house,
inside the white house was a red house,
inside the red house were lots of babies.

Give me food and I live;
give me water and I die.

I pass before the sun;
yet leave no shadow.

I am light as a feather;
yet no man holds me long.

They are dark,
and always on the run.
Without the sun,
would be none.

Object 'book minotaur' type treasure, extra flags none.
Weight 3, value 0, level 46.
Object Quality (10 / 10 hps)