CMud Vote

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Revision as of 12:18, 8 February 2011 by Llanor (talk | contribs)
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Save the following code as an .xml file and import it into the CMud editor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <class name="Vote">
    <class name="TMS">
      <alias name="tms">
        <value>#url ""
#var tmstime @newtime</value>
    <class name="TMC">
      <alias name="tmc">
        <value>#url ""
#var tmctime @newtime</value>
    <trigger priority="7440">
      <pattern>^Welcome back to the AVATAR System,*.$</pattern>
      <value><![CDATA[#var newtime (%time(y)*1440*(365+%if((%time(y)/4)=(%float(%time(y))/4),1,0))+(%db(@cdays,%time(m))+%time(d)+%if((%time(y)/4)=(%float(%time(y))/4) && %time(m)>2,1,0))*1440+%time(h)*60+%time(n))
#if (@newtime>(@tmctime+2880)) {tmc}
#if (@newtime>(@tmstime+1440)) {tms}]]></value>

This script checks if you've voted in the past 12 or 24 hours whenever you log onto Avatar. If you haven't, your browser will open so you can vote.