Category talk:Brandies

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Revision as of 21:20, 29 April 2005 by PirateHero (talk | contribs)
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What do you guys think, should we keep all pills, pots, wands and staves in one category, or should we split them up?


I would add seperate subcats for each

i think keep them together but change the name, that way we can be more acurate and still have teh same info in one place -elfangwor

Seems like the idea you were going with was lots of seperate pages and categories -- that's why you have seperate area and gear in area pages. Might as well stick with that and make them all seperate.
On a semi-related note, should we have a page for 'junk' stuff? stuff with no special attributes or useless ones (crappy AC-only gear, create spring spells, crappy gems, etc.)?