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Syntax: herothank Syntax: herothank <character>

Herothank alone, will tell you who you have THANKed, and how many times you've BEEN THANKed.

HEROTHANK <character> will let you ONCE in your lifetime thank a Hero who has helped you significantly. This will award him/her/it a variety of gifts. This is a reward for those Heroes who instead of leveling, choose to look out for their fellow beings. Since they do not spend time leveling, it's difficult to gain stats, or lower the cost of spells, etc., so this command may be used to aid them if they deserve your gratitude.

You don't have the ability to herothank until you are level 25. And realize that once you have used your herothank , you will NOT have another one. So, don't merely thank the first Hero who does a CR for you or gets you equipment, but give it to a deserving hero. Also don't feel like you have to use your Herothank just because a Hero comes to your aid.. or asks you for it. It's yours to do with as you see fit. (Heroes are limited to only receive up to 25 thanks.)

NOTE: Herothank ONLY works on Heroes, NOT Lowmorts, Lords, Angels, or Immortals.