Mega's Spark In A Bottle

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Revision as of 02:45, 10 April 2008 by Scorchio (talk | contribs)
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Modifies armor class by -50 continuous.
Modifies damage roll by 2 continuous.
Modifies hit roll by 2 continuous.
'detect evil' continuous.
'detect hidden continuous.
'detect invis' continuous.
'detect magic' continuous.
'infravision' continuous.

Keyword(s): ???
Level(s): ???
Type: light
Flag(s): ???
Weight: ??? lbs
Quality: ??? hps



  • 2 Perfect Emeralds
  • 1 Perfect Ruby
  • 1 Perfect Diamond

When you manifest make sure that you use DOUBLE quotes when you cast the manifest for "Mega's Spark in a bottle"
Embedded into ANY lantern (any level, needs to have keyword 'lantern'). Can't be etched, not before embed, not before manifest. In addition, keep in mind that embedding can fail. Remember to practice embed to adept if you fail an attempt. Legend warriors have a skill that makes them virtually nofail, but in general the same rules apply to embedding as for sharpening. In addition, DO NOT save with an item with embedded gems before you manifest, or the gems will be lost.