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Not really a skill, per se, an Assassin's deadly reputation can sometimes make attackers rethink their choice of target. Reputation cannot be practiced. It must be earned...

Assassins earn 1% through a successful Insightful Strike.

Assassins lose 1% when they flee, even when caused by a spell (Dread).

Max that can be earned at Hero for Assassins is 75%.

You can check your reputation by typing 'slearn reputation'.

Black Circle Initiates also get a certain reputation (20%) due to the nature of the Circle but this is not earned and can not be lost.

What the skill does is when you get aggied by a mob there is a chance (dependent on the % of reputation you have) that the mob will turn and attack one of your group members instead of you, so if you had 100% reputation in theory you would never get aggied.