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Long and devoted observation of the powers of nature have allowed Stormlord to understand the layered structure of weather effects. Using this knowledge Stormlords of sufficient experience are able to control a local stratum of weather in addition to the effect they summon into the wider area. While such a stratum can be maintained more easily than a sustained weather spell, it will still sap the casters mana. Should the Stormlord come under direct attack, or if they choose to rest or sleep, the control of the stratum will break. Any such forced breaking of the control will make the spell unavailable for a short period of time. The following strata are available:

Gale: The fierce winds swirling around the Stormlord have a good chance of holding off any non-targeted magical or breath attacks.

Sleet: The extremely slippery ground around the Stormlord will make some mobs choose an easier target to reach for attack, or even cause them to slip and fall down should they attack nonetheless.

Spring Rain: The refreshing nature of this stratum will allow the Stormlord to sustain wider range weather spells at a lower cost.

Hail Storm, Cloudburst: For these strata a matching stratum and sustained area spell will make it possible for the caster to control the weather they summon faster, i.e. allowing them to attack with their spell right away.

Prerequisite(s): ?.

Syntax: cast stratum <sustained weather spell>.