CMud Poison Count

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This script will keep track of how many poisons are left one your weapons (Venom and Virus) after examining them once.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <class name="Poison Count" copy="yes">
    <trigger priority="18540" copy="yes">
      <pattern>^Crying out in pain, %1 succumbs to venom!</pattern>
      <value>#var venomcount %eval(@venomcount-1)
#echo @venomcount venom doses left.</value>
    <trigger priority="18550" copy="yes">
      <pattern>^%1 shudders as the virus takes hold!</pattern>
      <value>#var viruscount %eval(@viruscount-1)
#echo @viruscount virus doses left.</value>
    <trigger priority="18560" copy="yes">
      <pattern>^It carries roughly &venomcount doses of venom, a very strong poison with no secondary affects.$</pattern>
    <trigger priority="18570" copy="yes">
      <pattern>^It carries roughly &viruscount doses of virus, not so much a poison as an illness, this attacks the muscles, greatly affecting strength and speed.</pattern>