CMud Who Am I

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This very simple script has a variety of uses from customizing kill triggers, to the way you react to bot commands, to even simplifying commands through single aliasing:

All it does is it simply creates the variables @me, @myclass, and @myrace

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <class name="login" copy="yes">
    <trigger priority="3040" copy="yes">
      <pattern>^Welcome back to the AVATAR System &me, hope you get beyond level %d today!</pattern>
      <value>#echo @me
#send whois @me</value>
    <trigger priority="3050" copy="yes">
      <pattern>^Welcome back to the AVATAR System, %w &me%p</pattern>
      <value>#echo @me
#send whois @me</value>
  <trigger name="MyRaceClass" priority="2490" copy="yes">
    <pattern>^~[??? ???? (%w) (%w) ??? ? ~] {~(OUTLAW~) |~(INVIS~) |~(AFK~) |~(LINKDEAD~) |~(SHADOW~) |}@me%*</pattern>
    <value>#var myrace %2
#var myclass %1</value>

<trigger name="MyRaceClass" priority="2490" copy="yes">
    <pattern>^~[??? ???? (%w) (%w) ??? ? ~] {~(OUTLAW~) |~(INVIS~) |~(AFK~) |~(LINKDEAD~) |~(SHADOW~) |}@me%*</pattern>
    <value>#var myrace %2
#var myclass %1</value>