New Lord Guide

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Lord Gameplay

Lord gameplay is an extension of hero however it requires even more teamwork, larger groups and working together. Lord is designed to be group based and you will not be able to solo at lord until much later.

Your First Lord

When you morph your first Lord, you will need to regen a bit of movement points before heading down. You are now in Thorngate Centre, the safe haven for Lords (similar to Sanctum). Many shopkeepers and NPCs are here. The infirmary is two east of Thorngate Centre and you’ll seen it referred to as “thorn 2e” or simply “2e”. This is where Lord groups meet and start off from.

As a new Lord you should do two things: check out Lord Mud School south of Thorn Centre. Once you reach Lady Meta, recall to receive a free practice ticket (which is required to visit the Lord trainer). You can give this practice ticket to a NPC at thorn centre, s, 2e, up. Remember to train your starts and practice all your new lord skills.

Additionally, you’ll need some Lord gear. The easiest way to do this is to mention on lordchat that this is your first lord and if anyone can help you out. Often more experienced lords will donate enough gear to get you going on your first couple runs. Lord gameplay takes place on various “planes”. You get to these planes by typing “cast plane <plane_name>” (simply cast plane will take you back to Midgaard, the hero / lowmort plane you’re used to). To get back to Thorngate, type “cast home” or if that doesn’t work, “cast plane thorn”.


When the game resets or the server reboots, it resets a number of lord runs and items. Some items only reappear on reboot and others reappear on reboot or reset. For this guide, when I use the turn reset it applies to both resets and reboots where as if I refer to reboot, it means something that only unlocks on a full reboot, not a reset.

A reset happens when the pool is completely drained. After a reset the pool is slowly filled by completing lord content. The more lord runs there are, the faster the pool fills back up. Once the pool is full, it’ll slowly drain (based on time/RNG) until it is completely empty, at which point a reset is imminent. You will know a reset has happened when you see this message:

Somewhere on distant planes, a disturbance is felt.
Bosses, once defeated have returned anew.

You can also follow #game-messages on the Avatar discord to know when they happen.

RESET – Shadowlands

The most commonly ran run after a reset is called Shadowlands. This run, when done correctly, guarantees a bonus 10,000 xp to everyone that participates making it very popular. A significant portion of the run involves running “shadowed” in Midgaard (i.e., running with your hero stats). Make sure you check your HP / mana is fully regened while shadowed before starting this run (cast plane, rest in the sanctum infirmary if you have to). Be sure to pay attention on this run because there are some specific things every player needs to do. First, to enter (and later exit) Midgaard, you need to type “die” at specific times. Watch for when your group leader tells you to. Additionally, you will need to get a shroud and enter a vortex at a specific time.

To do this:

get shadow (if you’re not given a piece)
give shadow dje

Once he gives you the shroud:

wear shroud
enter vortex:east:east (stack these commands so you move quickly)

RESET – Shard: Essences / Shard Unlocks / Shard Realm

Resets also offer the opportunity for Lords to unlock a shard realm. A shard realm is a special area that has to be unlocked and can only be run once per reset cycle. It contains power gear (“shard gear”) that is some of the best in the game. The first step to this process (and the run completed most often after Shadowlands) is “lightning the essences”. The involves travelling to the four elemental planes (fire, earth, water and air) and killing all of a specific mob local to each plane. Once you’ve done

Insigs, Quests & More

There's a number of Lord quests which can help you in your adventures. See Lord Quests