Pulsing Soul of a Fire Giant

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A ghostly fire flickers in the breeze, pulsing with strength.

Some beings are too potent to be vanquished by death alone. Their souls stubbornly cling to the world, where crafty sorcerers and shamans can harness its power for their own gain, though at a price...

Keyword(s): pulsing soul ghostly fire.
Level(s): 51.
Type: trash.
Slot(s): .
Quality: 200 hps.
Weight: 0 lbs.
Flag(s): glow evil magic nolocate.


A Bucket of Black Ore can be used to spawn the ironbeast mob that drops this item on death.

Give this item to White Raven Alighting Unseen for the Fiery Nimbus insignia (+15% death xp reduction; +2% mana regeneration; modifies melee attacks with fire damage).

You give the pulsing soul of a fire giant to White Raven Alighting Unseen.
White Raven Alighting Unseen says 'Well done, Enota, just the type of soul I was after, I think...' 
White Raven Alighting Unseen uncaps a glass jar hanging from his belt, and coerces the soul into it with a mix of whispers and gestures. 
White Raven Alighting Unseen says 'I detect a fiery magic about you aready, Enota. I could dispel that aura and grant you one anew, if that is your wish.'
White Raven Alighting Unseen says 'I think you already know that this magic comes with a price... last chance to back out, Enota.'
