The Seal of the Abbot

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Object 'seal abbot' type armor, extra flags glow hum magic.
Weight 5, value 10912, level 125.
Object Quality (500 / 500 hps) 
Armor class is 27.

Slot: held
Plane: Astral
Area: Echo Monastery
Mob: TBD


This is a base item that can be used to Transmogrify other gear. It is reboot / reset only.

Ingredients that can be used to modify this item:

 Finest Grog                          armor class         hold    125      3     -5 the Seal of the Abbot
 butcher's knife                      damage roll         hold    125      3      4 the Seal of the Abbot
 familiar mane                               mana         hold    125      3     25 the Seal of the Abbot