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I've been playing Avatar MUD for a short time, but have found that it is one of the funner MUDs I've ever played (and I've played/made/admined on a few!)

Avatar Alts

These are my alts. I took the table from Ylem's page and modified it.

Alt Race Class Standing Goal Description
Tradkin Human Mage Hero Lord Scholarly human conjurer, lover of the arcane arts.
Korinkall Kobold Archer Hero Lord Lowly Kobold Archer trying to make a place in the world.
Frosk Giant Warrior lowmort Hero Frost Giant from the north, clobbering his way through Midgaardia.
Malphas Imp Monk lowmort Hero Demonly little monk!
Istren Gnome Cleric lowmort Hero Gnome cleric set to heal the world.
Chester Centaur Mage lowmort Hero (Wizard) Centaur wizard.