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Just a way to document all that I've found. And don't ask me how to get them - that is the fun of this area (but if you see me in game I'll give hints).

    A giant blue Trick or Treat bag!
    A plate of HOT Angel wings
    Riviat's Delicious Meat Pie
    A swirling muddy concoction
    essence of tranquility
    A half-empty can of "Immortal' Best" oil
    a gummy Miraar
    pop rocks candy
    a >{xxx Tootsie Roll xxx}<
    A Sweet Sonnet
    A Sprite shaped piece of dark chocolate
    a heavy dose of Kasab's sleeping medication
    a magical, glowing dog biscuit
    A beard-growing potion
    a caramel apple
    a gummy pterodactyl
    potion of shadows
    a red duck egg