Difference between revisions of "Small Purple Turtle"

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Latest revision as of 14:52, 4 June 2006

You have never before seen a purple turtle, and, indeed, may have thought it rather an odd color for a turtle to be. But the light reflecting off this beautifully lustrous shell of deep purple catches your eye in a most pleasing manner, and you realize that purple really does look good on a turtle. Especially in contrast to the bright pink potion clutched in her mouth. You wonder briefly where she found it. Or why she'd even be carrying such an impractical item around. Perhaps you should take it from her.

Keywords: small, purple, turtle.
Level: 1.
Alignment: ??.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: ??.


A small purple turtle is using:
A small purple turtle is carrying:
     a pink potion



Area: Avatar Mudschool (Map).
Room(s): Mudschool 39 (cursed).