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Some details about the history of the Fae, High Elves, Elves, Half-Elves, High Drow, and the Drow (and sprites).


From the walls in Kingdom Of The Willows:

In the beginning, the War God Straul created our World as a Prison for the Goddess Kisestre with whom he had fallen deeply in love. She was to remain imprisoned until she learned to love him. As time went by, Kisestre wandered the face of the World, creating lush forests and wide rivers and transforming her bitter, barren Prison into the fertile world we inhabit today.

Kisestre's father made for her 26 companions, with souls wrought of dreams and magic, 13 of the Light, and 13 of the Twilight, for in those times the darkness was not yet a thing of evil. These were the original 26 Fae, the first-born. But Straul was displeased, and created a rift between the Fae, such that they forgot Kisestre, and warred and bred among themselves. As time went on, the offspring of the Fae were becoming less and less magical, some were even being born mortal, and without wings. Thus, soon after Kisestre's death, the remaining Fae left Midgaardia forever, and founded the Dream Realm of Arcadia, where their power would never wane.

When the Fae departed Midgaardia, they left behind many of their more mundane descendants. Over the centuries, these would eventually become modern-day Elves. Those among the Elves who can trace their lineage in 7 steps or less to a True Fae are High Elves, longer-lived and more powerful than the average elf. Of the current living High Elves, all are 7th generation; there are none remaining whose offspring will also be High Elves. The Grand Duchess Saerba is only 5th generation, but her husband is dead and her children are slain and she is too old to remarry. Thus the end is coming soon to the majesty of the High Elves of the Willows.

After the departure of the Fae, the High Elves created creatures in the likeness of the Fae, resulting in pixies, nixies, and ultimately sprites. Whether this was intended as homage or insult to the Fae, nobody is sure. Although they do resemble the Fae, the Sprites (largest and most powerful of these races) only grow to a fraction of the size of the Fae, whose natural forms are roughly the same size as humans. Some exceptional Sprites, such as those of the House Sarphyre, or those fueled by the dark dreams of the Cult of Ecstasy, can grow to roughly the height of halflings, but such individuals are extremely rare.

The High Elves are waning, and only the lesser elves will remain once they are gone. There is a large settlement of elves around the foothills of the volcano Lloth's Peak. Also, a large number of wild elves have been living peacefully for many years in the forested valley known as Morgan Vale.

The Half-Elves are the result of inter-breeding between the elves and the extremely promiscuous human race. Not truly accepted by either race as one of their own, most half-elves live a nomadic life, having no village or town to call their own. Half-drow do exist, but are extremely rare. Most were wiped out when the High Drow were killed.

This is Veyah L'aturii, the only surviving High Drow. Since the departure of the Fae, the Elven peoples have had no King, save the High King of the Fae. In his stead, the Grand Duke or Duchess has ruled the High Elves over the years. Hundreds of years ago, L'aturii made a bid for power to make herself High Queen of all Elves. In the ensuing war, most of the High Drow and half-drow of the time where destroyed as a direct result of her greed and ruthlessness. Her current whereabouts and activities are unknown.

The Drow are those Elves whose ancestors were Dark Fae.

An Ancient Volume

From a book in Ancient Bronze Wyrm:

Chapter 1

Light-hearted and capricious, they were the first beings to populate what would later become known as Midgaardia. Given unto Kisestre the Young, by the God of Wonder Merrighand, they were created from the stuff of life and they reflected that life most vigorously. A simpler time with simpler values, each of the Fae belonged to one part of Life itself. There were thirteen Fae of the Light and thirteen Fae of the Twilight. Each led by one whose powers shone above all others. One who ultimately embodied the true essence of their fellow Fae, Adrial Skythain, leader of the Light, powerful beyond reason yet possessed of a purity of the Light that remains untouchable for those born unto the world of Midgaardia. Set opposite him, yet together, for the values and virtues of Midgaardia as it once was were simpler, stood Zydarielle, Queen of Stars. Her cruelty was legendary in times when legends walked the earth, and was truly the embodiment of the Twilight Fae.

Joy rang in the heart of Kisestre the Young, for no longer was she alone. With this gift from Merrighand, she roamed to and fro among the stone and ash of her prison leaving life and love behind her. Green and glorious was the world in Kisestre's wake, and in this world the Fae roamed, fickle and true until a time came when the joys of the realm could not satisfy, could not sate their appetites. The fall of the True Fae began, and the outcome was more horrific than could have been foreseen.

Chapter 2

Gradually their capricious natures degenerated into what can only be called the basest of mortal desires and lusts. Mating, warring, and the accumulation of power tainted all of the True Fae causing them to forsake their foster mother and to forget their antecedents. Kisestre in her anguish and loneliness passed from this world, the death of a goddess, the death of an age. In his grief at the loss of his kin, Merrighand, the God of Wonder, decreed that one day an Avatar would arise from the peoples of this new world Midgaardia. An Avatar that would strive and do battle with Straul unto Straul's utter destruction. The Fae, now caught up in their own pursuits and dreams did not heed this warning and continued to breed and with each successive generation the powers failed and weakened. Until the seventh generation when the first High Elf was born unto Fae parents and the hold of the Fae on Midgaardia was forever broken.

With their powers failing, the Fae began to feel that terrible human emotion, jealousy, and thus their downfall was accelerated. Worshipped by their High Sylvan descendants, the original twenty-six True Fae were Gods in their own right. Yet the Dark Queen Zydarielle wanted more, more power and full rulership of all of the Fae. With this in mind she turned to the beautiful Paehandra of the Moon to begin her conquest of the Light.

Chapter 3

Dwelling in cities as far different from each other as possible, the High Drow and High Elves built to their nature. The High Elves in their beautiful crystalline structure called Avalon, with its towers and gardens of unearthly beauty. The High Drow in their underground cavernous structure known as Reveria'Valsi, with its myriad of chambers and trials, all dangerous to the unwary. Each race building and learning, trying to better themselves and become as powerful as their True Fae forerunners.

Siding with their kin, the True Fae, the High Elves, and High Drow warred with each other off and on, each seeking to annihilate their kinfolk. The armies of the Dark Fae with their Drow worshippers versus the armies of the Light Fae and their Elven followers. It was during this war that the forces of the High Drow and their lesser Drow followers were subverted by the Spider Demon Lloth. Believing her to be a Goddess, they fell into idolatry, and removed their support from the Dark Fae. The great war of the Fae ended on the bloody fields of Avalon. The great crystal towers and walls holding back the forces of Dark until Adrial Skythain arrived with the dawn and shattered the armies of the Twilight Fae.

Chapter 4

It was during this war that Yorimandil the blind showed his true colors. The finest swordsman of the Fae, Yorimandil was blinded by the Grand Duke Malafont in an attempt by the Duke to overcome his abilities. Alas, it was not to be, yet in the end it was the treachery of Yorimandil with assistance by the Grand Duke that brought about the death of Tesrah the Bladedancer. Even as these events unfolded, the military prowess of Malafont crushed the forces of Light in battle after battle, slowly driving them back and winning the war for the Twilight Fae. Only one battle of note was won by the forces of the Light, and this only by the valiant deeds of Manon, consort to High King Adrial. The Battle of the Four Seasons, here the lives of three of the original Fae were lost.

Syriohl of the Autumn, was once content to allow the seasons to run their course, until the intervention of the Dark Queen Zydarielle. She warped and twisted his mind, turning him bitter against the dance of the summer, the warmth of life itself. With this in his mind, and hatred deep in his soul, Syriohl tortured and then finally killed Janidor of the summer during the battle. Alas, his victory over the summer was not as joyous as he thought it would be, for wroth with the death of Janidor, Manon of the Spring slew Syriohl in a violent meeting of the two seasons.

Chapter 5

Thus it was for Valyce of the Winter. Her cold and uncaring heart learned cruelty after the Sundering of the Fae. And thus it was that she met Manon of the Spring in combat during the Battle of the Four Seasons. Thus she was defeated and Manon stood triumphant amongst the combatants, helping the forces of the Light Fae overcome the Twilight during this battle.

Seeing the forces of the Twilight Fae ascendant, Zarradyn, son of Grand Duke Malafont and the Dark Queen Zydarielle, grew jealous of his father's powers and abilities. In a fit of rage, he slew his father in his sleep and took control of the armies of the Dark. His military prowess was inept by comparison and with the Drow lost to Idolatry the war starts to turn against the Dark. Thus the Dark Queen herself took control of their armed might and turned it against the Elves on Midgaardia.

Led by Zydarielle, the forces of the Twilight Fae assaulted the Willow Kingdom. It was a one-sided slaughter and the Countess Trinh fell in battle against the legions of ebony archers. The Twilight Fae were assured of victory, until the coming of the Dawn. High King Adrial Skythain arrived at the gates of Avalon with the first beams of the sun and smote the forces of Dark, turning the tide of the battle. It was here that the Dark Queen Zydarielle met her end. It was here that the War of the Fae was finished as the armies of the Twilight Fae were destroyed.

Chapter 6

After this great war, the Fae fully withdrew themselves from the realms of Midgaardia, secreting themselves into their own planes - Noctopia and Arcadia. Thus arose upon the world of man a demon, the plane Demon Glasya, and thus began the second Giant-Ent war. It was during this war that the last of the High Drow worshippers of the Dark Fae perished, and thus perished Noctopia. Cast into the void and never to return.... perhaps.

Some say that the Fae hoard many weapons and enchantments in their towers. Duke Zarradyn, the kin-slayer in his, and High King Adrial Skythain in his, atop the fields of the mighty Chimeras. Some have returned to tell the tales of vicious Fae of both Light and Twilight, dragons of glass and crystal, and the frenzied bodyguards of the High King himself. Where the truth lies none can truly say, it is a journey you must take on your own...

Book Entitled 'The Elven History'

From another book in Ancient Bronze Wyrm:

Chapter 1

With the birth of the Eighth Generation of Midgaardian Fae, a new race was brought into the realm. The High Elves. Possessing the beauty of the antecedents, yet lacking their raw power and raw emotions. The High Elves were a truly magical race. Superior in the arcane arts in comparison to the others occupying the surface of Midgaardia, they were not quite as physically powerful as their kin, yet still formidable foemen.

Chapter 2

It was during the first war of the Giants and Ents that the High Elven race was split asunder by forces insidious. The Dark Fae begot the Dark High Elves, and these twisted and evil creatures allied with dwarves who were also as malignant as they and descended into the depths of Midgaardia to become the High Drow and Duergar respectively. The High Drow stood neutral during the Giant-Ent war, only to resurface once peace broke out in an attempt to destroy their enemies.

Chapter 3

Dwelling in cities as far different from each other as possible, the High Drow and High Elves built to their nature. The High Elves in their beautiful crystalline structure called Avalon, with its towers and gardens of unearthly beauty. The High Drow in their underground cavernous structure known as Reveria'Valsi, with its myriad of chambers and trials, all dangerous to the unwary. Each race building and learning, trying to better themselves and become as powerful as their True Fae forerunners.

Siding with their kin, the True Fae, the High Elves, and High Drow warred with each other off and on, each seeking to annihilate their kinfolk. The armies of the Dark Fae with their Drow worshippers versus the armies of the Light Fae and their Elven followers. It was during this war that the forces of the High Drow and their lesser Drow followers were subverted by the Spider Demon Lloth. Believing her to be a Goddess, they fell into idolatry, and removed their support from the Dark Fae. The great war of the Fae ended on the bloody fields of Avalon. The great crystal towers and walls holding back the forces of Dark until Adrial Skythain arrived with the dawn and shattered the armies of the Twilight Fae.

Chapter 4

During the years after this war, the Elves and Drow lived in a state of neutrality, each one content to let the other live, though no contact was permitted between the two. The powers of both races waned, and during these times the lesser Fae were spawned by the Elves. These small fae-like creatures became the forerunners of the Sprites. Then, destruction loomed. Ancient forces not seen for centuries reappeared and the lands were torn asunder during the time of the second Giant-Ent war.

Chapter 5

It begins with a plant, a plant with intelligence, a plant with dreams and desires of its own - The plant Demon Glasya. Born unto a world of peace, Glasya rallied the forces of the giants and drew Straul back the plane of Midgaardia. This time the conflict would be too large for anyone to declare their neutrality. With the destruction of Midgaardia looming, all the races banded together to oppose this foul force invading their lands. Sadly, it availed them little. The Elves and their allies could not keep the forces of Straul from decimating their numbers. The ancient cities of Keresh, Avalon, and even the underground High Drow city Reveria were destroyed by the marauding armies. Bolstered by the might of the Heroes who inhabited the realm, the forces of the Light fought back, but again to little affect. The armies of Glasya and Straul were too powerful. In the end, the Immortal Guardians of Midgaard, brought forth unto the realm by Merrighand after Kisestre's death, were forced to intervene. They destroy Glasya and buried his temple under the earth. The giants were struck dumb and left to wander, never again to rally under Straul's name. And the elves and drow... slaughtered almost into oblivion, they still retain their inherent racial enmity for one another. The only city left standing is that of the Elves - the heart of the Kingdom of the Willows, left standing in the shadows where once Avalon rose.

Chapter 6

Perhaps in time, the High Elves will return to the land, to lift their merely mortal brethren to heights unattained since their seventh generation gave birth to the first of the Elves. Who can tell where and when this might occur, for even in their destruction, the High Elves left a legacy of love and caring that carries on today in their Elven descendents.

As for the High Drow, dark and twisted though they were, their ancient city was finally unearthed and revealed and ancient passageways uncovered and explored. Scholarly delvers have mapped some of them, yet they speak of horrible monsters and vile arcane powers dwelling within. The High Drow may never come back, but their presence remains within Reveria'Valsi and who knows what evil and darkness may lurk within their ancient tombs and places of power.