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Revision as of 10:57, 25 July 2006

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Type: ticket
Flags: nolocate
Weight: ?
Plane: Noctopia
Area: Obsidian Arena; Stands
Mob: Valyce Of The Winter

If you give this to the Weaver Mother she will tell you the following story about Valyce Of The Winter:

"Long ago, the lesser Fae, and the High Elves and Drow practiced a form of ancestor worship. Four of the most powerful Great Fae, including Valyce, became associated with their seasons of choice. Prayers to Valyce of the Winter have always fallen on deaf years, for even before the Dark Fae turned to evil, she was cold and uncaring. The war merely gave her cruelty as well. There is a reason the Elves and even the Drow have never settled in cold places. In their early days, the frozen wastes of the north were Valyce's domain, and she took pains to ensure they were devoid of life. She has always been feared, and many were they who secretly smiled to hear she had met her end upon Manon's daggers."

See Gear In Obsidian Arena; Stands for more information.