
From AvatarWiki
Revision as of 17:03, 13 November 2006 by Ylem (talk | contribs)
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I've been playing Avatar since September 2005. I'm more familiar with lowmort items and areas. I make a living at working on computers (devloper/architect of software).

Avatar Alts

Zarf - Orc Warrior (hero)
Ylem - Elf Archer (hero)
Xarn - Elf Cleric (hero)
Wych - Drow Mage (hero)
Vext - Kzinti Rogue (lowmort)
Uxor - Giant Warrior (destined to be a Bodyguard) (lowmort)
Tzar - Centaur Cleric (destined to be a Druid) (lowmort)


Since I have no psionicist and I am not a mapper I'm using my heroes to track down and identify objects.


To contact me - edit my discussion page. I have this on my watch and I'll pick up the change. Let me know if you want to reach me privately and I'll send my email address to you. Or send me a tell in the game. I'm usually on at nights as Zarf. See you there!