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Racials are innate abilities that certain races are born with. Some are automatic and continuous; some are automatic and sporadic; others are voluntary and require you type a command to use them. To see the racial abilities intrinsic to a specific race, simply type racial <race abbreviation>. To use a racial which is not automatic, type racial <racialname>. There are quite a few racial abilities. Here is a roughly classified list:

Offensive Capabilities:                           Intrinsic Qualities:     (automatic)
 * berserk (automatic)                             * abomination
 * charge  (voluntary)                             * construct
 * breath  (voluntary)                             * earth-embrace
 * frenzy  (voluntary)                             * evil
 * kick    (voluntary)                             * greed
                                                   * haggle
                                                   * infravision
Additional Attacks:      (automatic)               * nofear
 * bite                                            * nosun
 * claw                                            * seeinvis
 * hoof                                            * survey
 * tail                                            * swim
                                                   * tranquility
                                                   * wimpy
Defensive Capabilities:  (automatic)
 * armorbark                                      Miscellaneous Abilities: (voluntary)
 * armorhide                                       * butcher
 * armorleather                                    * fly
 * armorscale                                      * hide
 * armorstone                                      * invis
 * armorsteel                                      * movehidden
 * dodge                                           * sneak


This category has the following 89 subcategories, out of 89 total.


Pages in category "Racials"

The following 101 pages are in this category, out of 101 total.