Category talk:Ruined Lairs

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Revision as of 03:34, 3 April 2007 by Arcano (talk | contribs)
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I'm going to start dumping things here, sorry for the formatting hell:

The scattered bits of paper are mostly
burned and unreadable, crumbling to ash
when touched. On one scrap that seems a
bit more solid, there are some odd lines:
|  :|       |:
|  :|__   __|:
|  :...| |...:
|      | |
| \|/  | |
The rest of the scrap is burned black and
not readable.

This is visible when someone "looks paper" at the guardroom 7nws4wsdw from Aelmon.

Other notes: In the popular part of lairs, east from the war planning room is a general who has a small obsidian key. Going down past the cook's room puts you in a maze I haven't figured out yet, besides dumping you back w2n from the War Planning Room.
Update: 2d n e s d e u w d from warroom is how to walk the maze, according to another player. --Arcano 02:22, 3 April 2007 (CDT)
Part 2:

Zarrillian was the most charismatic of the plotters, and by
his accounting the strongest. He had managed to get the others
to agree that he would be the head of the new ruling council
for the city once they had accomplished their goal. He had
left the planning to the others, the magic to Teraz and the
actual attack to Serug, figuring that there was no point in
making a fool of himself when he could order people around.
He suspects one of them betrayed them, and realizing that there
are probably too many surviving troops to defeat Serug, he
stays in his rooms, occasionally drifting out through the maze
to peer into the other wrecked rooms and assess his chances.

I think this was east from where the above direction took me.

You can go south from the lich in the Aelmon part to get a box that has "wire rimmed spectacles" which give 'detect hidden/detect invis.' I'm not seeing anything else there, or having to do with the lich (unless it's a ticket quest thing).

Edit: These are possibly the ones that show on locate and have the same stats as the old Gf'd wire rimmed spec's but are hero level, do they have +4 int as well? --Redwinter 13:09, 2 April 2007 (CDT) Reply: They don't have +4 int, just detect hidden and detect invis. Not sure if they show on locate. I think they might be a clue (or something) on how to get to the next part of Ruined Lairs, which I have no idea, but I hear is somewhat near Diana. --Arcano 16:35, 2 April 2007 (CDT) Update:Yea, it's the one on locate. The room has no "visible" exits, but you can leave north to a room that the lich usually is in. --Arcano 01:58, 3 April 2007 (CDT)

I found a ticket, I think in the King Lion part from the lich(I could be wrong on this, haven't checked):

You look at a broken axe head in your inventory...
A broken axe head lies here.
This item seems to be ticket.
It weighs approximately 2 lbs.
This item cannot be worn..

Also, in that part, sdn, qu trick, 2esw2dn from king lion there is a locked door that needs an intricate black key (needless to say, nothing on locate).

The undead being standing in the room was once the mighty
mage Zincular, a noble in the great city of Midgaard. Well,
to be precise, that is what he would call himself. Others in
that city would scratch their heads and then recall that he
was in fact the third, or was it the fourth son of a noble,
and as such was hardly worth remembering. His resentment of
this attitude was what fueled his desire to overthrow the
rulers of the city and establish he and the other mages of
his hidden circle as the rightful rulers. He does not know
exactly what went wrong, but the mighty dark magic they were
trying to harness obviously backfired and caused the
complete devastation of his once fine hidden lair. He was
here to spy on the city from the inside, and eventually clear
the way for the invasion force from the east. He was also
trying to assist with the discovery and elimination of any
groups that might prevent the takeover from outside the city.

Above is the description from the lich in the part of ruined lairs near aelmon.

Anastasia was the brightest of the plotters, and certainly the
most proficient caster. She was the one that realized the fool
Taraz had not properly executed the early spells in the long
sequence when things started to go wrong, and she managed to
nudge the wild magic just a touch, enough to shift bits of it
from pure destruction to a transformative effect, which
prevented the total destruction of the plotters and their
minions. She was generally very spartan in her ways, disdaining
excess decoration and glittery clothing. At times though she
did enjoy dressing up as someone else, a bit of a concealed
acting talent. She kept these performances very private, and
only Serug had access to them. Most of her time was spent in
her labs, crafting new and horrible forms of undead warriors.

Above is the description from the lich who wanders in the Ruined Lairs part near King Lion. This is the mob that carries the previously mentioned ticket.

More things I found:
2d from the cleric near king lion (sdn, qu trick, 2esw) in the room "A Ruined Library", look books produces"

Little can be seen of the covers and pages, most are torn
and burned beyond recognition."

there is a weapon with the same stats as the chained sickle, on the ghosts in the labratory... from the cleric, 2d2s3es (or close to that)

In the very far se corner of this part there is a quaffable pool, or something, that puts you in a water room with no exits, and a Huge Water Wraith, a level 90 invis aggie mob. Quaffing again takes you back to the previous room.