Lotos Plant

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Revision as of 07:31, 2 July 2008 by Ylem (talk | contribs)
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This magnificent plant fills the room. It's fruit and flower laden branches seem to defy logic by their healthy growth in the absence of sunlight. All who gaze upon its long-leaved flowers are over come with melancholy and a desire to rest against its trunk while enjoying its fruitful bounty.

(White Aura) The lichen doesn't grow near the plant flowering in the center of the room.

Keywords: Lotos
Level: 90.
Alignment: ?
Flags: psion, steadfast, ?
Affects: Sanctuary


The Lotos plant is using:
<held>              (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) The Heart of the Forest
The Lotos plant is carrying:
     (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) an enchanted stem


Casts psionic spells, in particular scramble.


Area: Verdant Isle (Map).
Room: In Deep (cursed).

Walking route from an Ohia Lehua tree: 2e, enter shack, [d], e, 2s, 2w, n, w, n, w.