Behir Spear Captain

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A large behir directs the efforts of the subservient guards, hissing orders to dispatch any intruders - obviously you - and feed you to the snakes below. Responsibility of protecting the dragon eggs is upon his many shoulders, and he does not intend to risk any harm befalling the hatch. Behir spear captain is very irritated.

Keywords: behir, captain.
Level: 72.
Alignment:  ?.
Flags: sentinel.
Affects: infravision, sanctuary.


Behir spear captain is using:
<wielded>           [Pristine  ] behir's tooth
You peek at the inventory:


Big and in room with friends. A Behir Spear Captain is a Lizard Man.


Area: Cloud Dracoleum (Map).

Walking route from Svlad: 2n, e, [n].