Paid Mercenary

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He is one of the many paid fighters working for Captain Dieme. Right now, he's still reeling from his stay aboard the Hammer, but he is still determined to live up to his high price.

Keywords: mercenary
Level: 44
Alignment: apathetic
Affects: infravision, detect hidden


A Paid Mercenary, an Officer of Lord Audis, a Hired Soldier, a Professional Warrior, and a Seasoned Sailor are the most easily accessible xp mobs in Gorn's Anchor. Two of each (except for sailors, of which there are four) patrol the dock.


Area: Gorn's Anchor (Map)
Room: A Road to Town Square (portable) & The Port of Gorn's Anchor (portable)
Walking route from Aelmon: 39s, 3w, 3n, 2e

Paid Mercenary is portable.