Riithi Warclaw

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A wicked looking multi-bladed metal claw sits here, waiting to slice something.

Damage is 15-16 to 39-44 (average 27-29).
Modifies damage roll by 4/5/6 continuous.
Modifies hit roll by 4/5/6 continuous.

Keyword(s): warclaw war claw riithi
Level(s): 42-44
Type: weapon
Slot(s): <wielded>.
Quality: 50 hps
Weight: 7 lbs
Flag(s): hum


There are three variations of this weapon.
The shinriith can carry either two 4/4s, or two 5/5s. The shinriith rearguard carries two 4/4s. The shinriith captain carries a 5/5, and a 6/6.


Area: Drow Armory (Map)
Mob(s): Shinriith, Shinriith Captain, Shinriith Rearguard

Teleport Talriith and track.