Talk:Marionette Cross Inscribed In Runes

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Anyone know who this is for? I think there is a sanc pill in this area and this might be the ticket for it but I don't know who to give it to. I tried Eschard and Caerron but neither was interested. On the ground is a note talking about an island with a plant that causes dreams (Lotos Plant at Verdant Isle) but I don't know anything there to give this to. --Ylem 16:36, 8 October 2008 (UTC)

That ticket goes to the kids father 2 east. He gives you a nautical charm, neat gear. --Rhodie

Hmmm... I assume that is the desperate mariner but he is uninterested. I'll try with my psi maybe it is class based. --Ylem 15:00, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

Try to give to boy, then he will give you another ticket then give to mariner. --Rhodie