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Revision as of 20:20, 22 March 2006

A mask, is barely the way to describe this work of art. Feathers come from the skin base, arranged as a raven head. The beak is a light orange and yellow wood stained with the blood. You are unsure of how this beautiful mask is to stay, but with the strangeness of everything else, you know it will stay on.

Armor class is 6.
Modifies damage roll by 2 continuous.
Modifies dexterity by -1 continuous.
Modifies wisdom by 2 continuous.

Keyword(s): feathers, feathered, raven, mask.
Level(s): 20.
Type: armor.
Slot(s): <worn on head>.
Quality: 100 hps.
Weight: 10 lbs.
Flag(s): dark, glow, invis, nodrop, noremove.



Area: Moss Village (Map).
Room(s): Sssanth's Hidden Hut (portable) in a chest in the shape of raven.

Portaling point(s) suggested: Sssanth.